Well, I am not the best at posting every day not really even every other day, but as soon as I get a computer at home I am going to post more. Well since my last post a few things have happened.. yesterday my kids passports came in the mail. I was excited to get them and daddy edgar was too. Their pictures looked so cute even though they said my daughter could not smile.
We live with daddy edgar's cousin and we were talking last night and he told me that a little boy (10 years old) had passed away from the dengue fever. I was thinking that this was some kind of serious flu like thing that was passing around the community. I remembered seeing it on searchingbliss's posts, so I looked at it and 1 of the comments said that it was west nile. So that made me feel a little better. I got to thinking though, how could someone die of west nile? That was here in the US and I never heard of alot of deaths- or am I not remembering well? Anyway, his cousin was telling me that they were having the little boy's funeral today and that when he talked to his wife she was heloing make tamales. He said that everyone in the area would go to the family's house and sit up all night with them and have tamales. I told my grandmother and she said that sounds like what they used to do here. She remembered her aunt of grandfather passing away and everyone came to the house for the viewing and stayed with them all night. So here in the US we used to do alot they do in Mexico. I thought that was cool that my grandmother knew about all that.
I have been wanting to go to Mexico and take my kids because abuela wants to see her 1st grandson so bad. He will be 9 months on the 29th and I really feel bad about not taking him a long time ago. Right when I was planning on going, here comes swine flu. I am going to wait until December. I'd like to go around the 14th so abuela would get to feel like she celebrated Christmas and his birthday with him. She is so nice and she always asks about Elisa and wants her to come also. She wants them to stay for a long time (like a few months) and I am not ready for that yet. I was thinking about maybe trying to meet her for a few days close to the border so she could atleast see him a few days.
I am happy... a while back I only had 2 followers and now I have 5!! Thanks guys for following and I really like your blogs also. I check them daily!!
Being well spoken and eloquent
8 years ago
Dengue is pretty serious business. I was just talking to 2 of my hubby's uncles, who also happen to be doctors, and they were saying that they treat more cases of dengue than Swine Flu. It's transmitted through a certain species of mosquitos. The best way to prevent dengue, is to make sure you clean everything with bleach and don't have anything laying or sitting around with water in it. You know, like tires or buckets with water, be it from rain or a faucet.
ReplyDeleteBut don't freak out or anything. You'll be safe. Come December, the mosquitos will have pretty much disappeared. They don't like cold weather!
Glad to see that you have more followers. And we don't mind that you don't post everyday. Love hearing about what's going on in your life.
Leslie- yeah I was thinking the same about December being cold and there will not be many out and about. By the way how cold does it get in December? Is it like here the further north the colder? Maybe there, the further south the colder..