Has everyone seen the story about the 14 year old who was shot by the US border patrol? How sad. He was a kid and for throwing rocks at authority from his side of the freakin' fence he should be disciplined not killed. Poor mother of this niƱo, because that it was he was a little boy. I can not imagine how she felt. I have a son who may hang with the "wrong" crowd one day (I pray not, but you can only teach your kids not make their decisions) and he may paint a wall or throw a rock or do something like that, and yes he would deserve punishment, but no one has the right to kill a kid that is not even armed with anything, but a stone. How sad. This is really heavy on my heart. Pure prejudice.. pure hatred. They do not need unqualified people like this working on the border. They need to be trained when to pull the trigger and when not to pull it. I hope that border agent will never have peace in his heart.
Pray for the family.
Being well spoken and eloquent
8 years ago
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