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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blanket Amnesty?

What is blanket amnesty? I was looking at foxnews and it said that the Obama Administration is looking to possibly do a blanket amnesty. I hope so. I was reading the comments and people can be so stupid and mean.
Anyway, everything is going good with my pregnancy except that I am not really much bigger. I have been thinking of names and I really like the name Julian. I think that it is cute. I wonder if daddy edgar would like it. I have not told him yet. He was kind of wanting a girl, but now he is glad that we are having a boy. 2 sons. How cute. He talked to his mom the other day and she said for us to let Edgar and Elisa go over there for a while, but I can not do that. Days turn in to weeks and weeks to months. They are my kids and I would like to take care of them. Plus, my son would not understand why I left him and I do not want to ruin the trust that we have with each other. He would feel like I abandoned him. He does not understand that I would go back and get him. If he was to get sick or something I would be so far away and I would not be able to get to him. I don't understand and have never understood how women can come over here and leave their kids in Mexico or where ever for years and years. I could not do that. I lived with my grandmother when I was growing up, but that was best for me. And thank God I did. My granny is my #1, she is my mom.
I do not have a good relationship with my mom and I am not sad or let down about it really. I do not want to sound ugly, but she does not care anything about me and my kids. She does, however, care to criticize the Hispanic race. I can't stand when people make a comment about something and then say, 'oh, i don't mean you'
Yeah the hell right. You mean everyone and I am one of them! I am proud of it too. I am even thinking about dual citizenship for my boys! Does anyone know anything about that?

Well, more later!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Baby boy- very exciting!!!
    I am a dual citizen. I was born in England and got my American citizenship in 1999. They asked if I wanted to be a dual citizen. I wanted to and I'm glad I decided to have dual citizenship. My husband said they don't offer it anymore.
